Pooja Sharma, also known as Pooja Mudgal, speaks about the importance of consistency.

Pooja Mudgal, speaks about the importance of consistency.

Pooja Mudgal, speaks about the importance of consistency.

Dreams are something that doesn’t let you rest or sleep, not something that comes in your dream. This is something that has been heard by many of us and this is the kind of mind-set that is required for the completion of the goals in your life.

No matter what profession you want to choose or what role you want to pursue in your life. All that matters the sheer dedication and commitment for the work of any genre.

Pooja Sharma also known as Pooja Mudgal Is one such marvellous, talented, and dedicated professional model who wants to achieve higher success in her life. She has achieved great milestones but the train doesn’t stop here only.

Pooja Mudgal, speaks about the importance of consistency.

The hunger for more and more lets a person explore better from within. This is exactly what is happening with Pooja Sharma, she is extremely particular about her dreams and future.

There is a saying that “nothing can stop you when you love something from heart to achieve it.”

Pooja Mudgal, speaks about the importance of consistency.

Pooja Sharma is an Actress, Model and Presenter who recently talked about the importance of consistency, she adds it is very crucial and I can’t stress enough that one needs to be consistent and both spontaneous in their vocation you can face low point of your career but still not quit, even if you think you are not up to your potential keep going and you will reach your goal ultimately!’

In a recent Interview with Pooja Sharma, She talks about her Journey & How it’s Going to be:-

  • Did you like acting since childhood?

~Yes, Acting is one of the best thing that I enjoy since childhood.

  • When did you decided that you want to become an actor?

~Year 2019, I decided that I want to be an actress and started working in that direction.

  • Tell me a little about yourself.

~A simple, sincere and hardworking girl, who is try to make a difference and create a good benchmark in this modern world

  • What do you like about acting the most?

~You get to explore yourself more. It helps to increase your confidence and your hidden strengths.

  • Can you introduce yourself to our audience?

~I am Pooja Sharma, from Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. I am passionate towards dancing and acting. Besides that I am also a makeup artist. I have 3.7 million Instagram followers. Simple and hardworking girl who is trying to make a difference in this busy and challenging world.

  • When did you start acting? What got you started?

~2019. Got my first bridal shoot for brand.

  • Where did you hear about this audition (for your projects and name them)


  • What attracted you to begin a career as an actor?

~I have a passion towards acting and dancing since childhood, so decided to convert my passion into ambition.

  • How is your experience working in the industry so far?

~So far my experience in the industry has been very good and let’s see what happens next.

  • Is life always better than a nice movie

~Real life is difficult that reel life. Reel life is based on ideal situations.Real life is complicated.

  • Are you flexible enough to work on short notice as a stand-in? How quickly can you assume a new role?

~I understand any role very quickly and try my best to give a good performance on the associated script.

  • How do you prepare in advance for a role?

~I read any script very well first, understand it and then practice it myself.

  • Which fictional character would be the most exciting to meet in real life of your projects and also other than your projects?

~Joker – Joaquin Phoenix

  • What is your reaction to the people, who mimic you?

~I like it when someone mimic me. It reminds me of those things which I have forgotten. It is like quick revision of who you were

  • What techniques do you use to create a believable character?

~The only technique is practice daily.

  • Describe your acting style?

~I do not have any such special style, I do act with my heart.

  • What kind of roles you are more interested to work in?

~I have a dream to play a queen character one time.

  • How do you react when you receive a negative review about a performance?

~At first I get a little sad that even after I worked so hard, people did not like my acting but then I think that I need to work on myself more.

  • How do you manage your personal and professional life?

~By doing efforts. I believe efforts conquer everything. So if you have to balance professional and personal life, you have to pour efforts in both directions, and that’s what I am constantly doing.

  • Has the journey been fairly easy, and if not, what obstacles have you had to overcome?

~The journey has been Fair enough. God has given me more than expected.

  • What is your strength as an actor?

~I’m never afraid to do anything.

  • How do you rehearse a scene if the other actors you need to interact within the scene are not available?

~I love talking to myself by looking in the mirror, so I don’t need anyone else to practice, I practice my acting by looking in the mirror.

  • Where do you go to practice loud vocal exercises?


  • The initial years were a little hard on you. What do you remember of those years?

~Constant criticism from relatives, neighbour and no initial support is something I would always remember. The struggle to be someone in a chaotic surrounding was difficult.

  • What attracts you to a role now?

~I take up every role.  Believe every opportunity has something to teach, learn and grow your skills

To know more, follow her on

Instagram @poojamudgal62 Facebook @poojamudgal62  ·

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भारत के प्रख्यात व चर्चित ज्योतिषी डॉ. महेन्द्र भाटी "त्रिकाल (Dr.Mahendra Bhati "Trikal") की इस साल में की गई कई ज्योतिष भविष्यवाणीया हुई सत्य सार्वजनिक रूप से डॉ. महेन्द्र भाटी "त्रिकाल" (Dr.Mahendra Bhati "Trikal") ने उत्तर प्रदेश विधानसभा चुनाव के बहुत समय पहले ही भाजपा की स्पष्ट बहुमत से सरकार बनना व योगी आदित्यनाथ जी का पुनः मुख्यमंत्री बनने का दावा सोसियल मीडिया व समाचार पत्रों द्वारा किया था जो अंततः सच साबित हुआ साथ ही पंजाब में भाजपा का सरकार नही बनना व कमजोर जनादेश बताया था साथ कि पंजाब कॉंग्रेस के प्रदेश अध्यक्ष नवजोत सिंह सिद्धू की चुनावी राह आसान नही होना बताया वो सत्य हुआ ।

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