Prime Minister Narendra Modi marked the joyous occasion of Makar Sankranti on Sunday by engaging in a heartwarming gesture at his official residence in the national capital. The Prime Minister was seen feeding cows on the lawn of his 7, Lok Kalyan Marg residence, a moment captured in pictures that quickly went viral on various social media platforms.
In the images, Prime Minister Modi, dressed in casual attire, not only fed the cows but also demonstrated his affection by petting them. One photo captures him holding a tuft of grass, a symbolic gesture in Hindu tradition, where feeding cows during Makar Sankranti is believed to bring immense blessings.
Makar Sankranti is a harvest festival celebrated across India, marking the transition of the sun into the Capricorn zodiac. In addition to the symbolic act of feeding cows, the festival is known for kite flying, special sweets, and cultural festivities.
Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Modi participated in a cultural event organized at the residence of Union Minister L Murugan in honor of Pongal, another harvest festival celebrated in Tamil Nadu. During the event, he extended warm Pongal greetings to citizens, emphasizing the festival’s reflection of the spirit of ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’ – One India, Superior India.
Speaking at the event, Prime Minister Modi acknowledged the diverse celebrations taking place across the country, stating, “The country celebrated the festival of Lohri yesterday. Some people are celebrating Makar Sankranti today, and some people will celebrate tomorrow. Magh Bihu is also coming. I extend my greetings to the countrymen for these festivals.”
The images of Prime Minister Modi’s interaction with the cows have resonated widely, showcasing a unique blend of tradition and simplicity. The gesture aligns with the cultural significance attached to caring for animals during festivals and emphasizes the importance of compassion towards all living beings.
As the nation continues to celebrate various harvest festivals, the Prime Minister’s involvement in these cultural events reflects a connection with the roots of Indian traditions and underscores the unity in diversity that characterizes the country.
Sources By Agencies