The Adani Group has announced plans to invest ₹20,000 crore to set up an ultra-super critical thermal power plant in Bihar, a project that is expected to significantly boost the state’s economy and create thousands of jobs. Pranav Adani, Director of Adani Enterprises, made the announcement on Friday at the Bihar Business Connect event in Patna, sharing the conglomerate’s ambitious investment roadmap.
According to Adani, the power plant will not only enhance Bihar’s energy capacity but also create substantial employment opportunities. “We are aiming to invest around ₹23,000 crore in Bihar’s energy sector to set up this thermal power plant. The project will open up at least 12,000 jobs in the pre-commissioning phase and create 1,500 skilled jobs during the operational stage,” said Mr. Adani.
This investment forms part of a broader strategy by the Adani Group to expand its presence in Bihar, which has already seen significant investments in sectors such as logistics, gas distribution, and agri-logistics. The company has already invested ₹8,500 crore in the state, resulting in the creation of 2,500 jobs. Furthermore, the group plans to invest an additional ₹2,300 crore to increase its warehouse and handling capacity, which will generate an estimated 25,000 local jobs.
In addition to the thermal power plant, the Adani Group is exploring further opportunities to improve infrastructure in the state, including potential investments in strategic projects such as Gati Shakti railway terminals, inland container depots (ICDs), and industrial warehousing. An additional ₹1,000 crore may be invested in these areas.
The group has also contributed to the state’s technological advancements, with an investment of ₹2,100 crore to install over 28 lakh smart meters in five cities in Bihar. This initiative is expected to create 4,000 local jobs in the technology sector by automating power consumption monitoring.
Pranav Adani expressed his admiration for Bihar’s Chief Minister, Nitish Kumar, praising his vision for the state’s growth. “His relentless focus on improving the business landscape in Bihar has set an example for the rest of the country. The vision of the Bihar government is helping to pave the way for an investment boom in the state,” he said.
The thermal power plant, along with other infrastructure projects, will not only contribute to Bihar’s economic growth but also reinforce the Adani Group’s commitment to long-term investments in the state, which continue to create jobs and drive development in key sectors.
Sources By Agencies