In a groundbreaking move for aspiring artists in Bihar and Jharkhand, Aradhna College of Film and Art (ACOFA) has emerged as the first and only film college in the region. Conveniently located near Kashyap Mart in Ramsar, just a stone's throw from the Bhagalpur Railway Station, ACOFA has become the top choice for students eager to dive into the world of film and photography.
Read More »Afsheen Zehra Shines in the Entertainment and Fashion Industry
In a world where dreams often seem out of reach, Afsheen Zehra's story is a testament to the power of determination and passion. Born and raised in the serene town of Amroha, Uttar Pradesh, this talented Indian actress and model has conquered the entertainment and fashion industry with her captivating performances and impeccable sense of style.
Read More »Jaya Hemraj Thakur: Rising Star in Fashion, Entertainment, and Philanthropy.
The world of fashion and entertainment is no stranger to extraordinary talent, and Jaya Hemraj Thakur has proven to be one of the brightest stars in the industry. Born on December 8, 1989, in the bustling city of Mumbai, India, Jaya has captivated audiences with her mesmerizing beauty, exceptional modeling skills, and charismatic presence both on and off the runway. Her journey from humble beginnings to achieving recognition and acclaim is a testament to her indomitable spirit and unwavering determination.
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