Mermaid Film Academy, a renowned dance school based in Kolkata, has been bestowed with the prestigious award of "Best Dance Institute of the Year" at the esteemed "The Excellency Iconic Award 2023." The award ceremony witnessed the presence of the illustrious Bollywood celebrity guest, Bhagyashree, amidst a galaxy of stars, held in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, on 15th July 2023.
Read More »Mansi Yadav: A Story of Artistic Excellence and Unwavering Determination.
In a world where conformity often stifles individuality, there are those who break free from the mold and fearlessly pursue their dreams. Mansi Yadav is one such individual, a true embodiment of creativity, determination, and unwavering passion. Her journey serves as an inspiration to all those who aspire to live life on their own terms, reminding us that with hard work, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of our dreams, anything is possible.
Read More »Honoring Excellence: Usha Kiran Moodgal’s Triumphs in Poetry, Research, and Dance
In the vibrant city of Delhi, a luminous star shines brightly, illuminating the realms of poetry, research, and dance. Usha Kiran Moodgal, a name synonymous with creativity and accomplishment, has not only set multiple world records but has also garnered prestigious awards for her contributions to Hindi literature and the performing arts. This article delves into the captivating life and achievements of Usha Kiran Moodgal, highlighting her remarkable talent as a poetess, researcher, and dancer.
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