Interview with Entrepreneur, Author, International Motivational Speaker and Inspirational Leader Dr. Pallavi Prakash.

Dr Pallavi Prakash is a name that has emerged as a symbol of ‘Woman Power’. She is a par-excellence –Author, International Motivational Speaker, Senior Life Coach, Senior Visiting Faculty-B Schools, Clinical Psychologist, Filmmaker & TV Panelist (Political & Social Analyst). She is Founder of par excellence Leadership and behavioral ‘Training firm- ‘Knowledge Seed Learning Centre (KSLC)’ .
Dr Pallavi is an acclaimed name in the world of Life Skills Training, Motivation & Clinical Psychology. She is a par-excellence Facilitator with testimonials of huge number of students and professionals. She has successfully conducted various workshops and seminars -Trained almost 5000 professionals/students PAN India till date. She has been conferred the title of “Motivational Guru”. As an International Speaker she has been speaking on various reputed forums. Recently she represented India in “Global Educators Forum” & “World Peace Summit 2022”. She is regularly invited by various Colleges of Delhi University, Haryana .Rajasthan and other universities PAN India for conducting Seminars and motivational sessions.

Dr Pallavi Prakash is also a well-known Author. She has authored four books which are ‘Mystique (Science Fiction)’in year 2011, ‘Dynamics of Success (Management Book) in year 2013 & ‘Bringing Back Love (Romance Fiction)’ in year 2015 & ‘ The History of World Pandemics & COVID 19’ in the year 2020.. She is Owner & Editor of Leadership magazine- ‘The Leaders +’. This is a highly reputed magazine in India which showcases inspirational leaders profile to ignite leadership in next generation. She regularly shares her views as Political/Social Analyst in TV Debates aired on various National TV channels .She has been a regular Columnist of National English newspapers for past many years. She has the credit of several published articles since last 18 years. Her published works and blogs are a source of inspiration to masses.
Broadening her horizons from seminars and books, Dr Pallavi established a Production firm “Pallavi Prakash International” which has produced number of awarded Feature films and TV shows for leading channels in India. PPI is registered in WIFPA Mumbai since last 10 years.
Due to her multidimensional endeavors, she has been invited in prestigious positions all across the globe. Dr. Pallavi Prakash is Board Member- Art & Media Section in Asia’s largest Entrepreneur Association- “Asia Entrepreneurship Skill Association”. Country Advisor- India in Global Educators Forum. Executive member of “Screen Writer’s Association of India (SWA), Mumbai, Western India Film Producers Association (WIFPA), Mumbai, Life time Member of International Film & Television Club, Noida Film City, Member of Advisory Board (Academics) & Board of Studies of the Institute & Visiting Faculty, The Fairfield Institute of Management & Technology (FIMT, Gurugram, Haryana) &Member of several social & cultural organizations PAN India.

Her efforts are well-appreciated in form of multiple awards. A few of her awards include Governor Award by Honb’ Governor of Punjab 2022, Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Excellence Award 2022, Famine Global Excellence Award 2022, Nari Shakti Samaan 2021, Voice Of Inspiration award 2021, Inspiring Women Achievers Award 2021, India Entrepreneur Award 2021, ‘Sashakt Nari Samaan 2020’, ‘Business Rankers Women Excellence Award 2019’, ‘Exceptional Woman Of Excellence 2019‘, ‘CED National Award 2019’.’Dr Sarojini Naidu National Award 2018’, ‘Cinema Excellence Award 2017’, ‘Nari Shakti Samman 2017’, ‘Medha Samman 2017’, ‘Bihar Gaurav Samman 2017’, ‘Inspiring Woman Achievers Award 2021, India Entrepreneur Award 2021, ‘Sushant Nari Samaan 2020’, ‘Business Rankers Women Excellence Award 2019’, ‘Exceptional Woman Of Excellence 2019‘, ‘CED National Award 2019’.’Dr Sarojini Naidu National Award 2018’, ‘Cinema Excellence Award 2017’, ‘Nari Shakti Samman 2017’, ‘Medha Samman 2017’, ‘Bihar Gaurav Samman 2017’, ‘Inspiring Woman Achievers Award 2016’, ‘Media Excellence Award 2016’ ,‘Chitransh Gaurav Award 2015’ and many more.
Academically, Pallavi Prakash is Ph. D in Clinical Psychology from University of Swahii. Central America. M.B. A & B.Tech (Computer Science) from prestigious ‘University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada’ .
Dr Pallavi Prakash would continue with her quality endeavors in future also towards betterment of society. She has most respectfully earned the reputation of Inspirational Leader on the global platform.

Connect with Dr Pallavi Prakash :
Q.What’s the biggest factor that has helped you be successful?
Success is a 360-degree paradigm. For me it has never been ‘de-facto’ of only my endeavors but a collaborative quality lifeline in which you become reason for bringing positive change in life of masses. By eternal grace of Almighty I have been humbly touching lives towards smiles, positivity & hope through my production’s cinema, motivational sessions, columns, write-ups & books. This is what it feels like Real “Success”!! The biggest factor that helped me in this journey towards real success is my unfathomable & unstoppable “positive attitude” towards life as a whole. Armed with this weapon of might I was always able to transform my fears to courage, tears to joy & failures to success.
Q. What was the hardest decision you ever had to make?
When you are at the top of your corporate career and you call it ‘quits’ then life certainly uproots. I wouldn’t say it was hardest but yes it was a life changing significant decision which gave birth to the present person. The ‘quits’ was just to change gears and move the bandwagon of work in a different direction altogether. After working for about 10 years in top MNC, one fine day I realized it was not my calling to be playing only Engineer. With this million-dollar realization and also to give a fine balance to my family work life, I started my own company. KSLC is one of the leading Leadership Behavioral training firms in India today with high repute and par excellence work culture along quality training outputs. The oozing creative side of my persona pushed me to start a film production firm “Pallavi Prakash International” soon after. PPI has broken records by winning several Cine awards in its debut feature film only besides several TV show productions. Overall, I can safely & thankfully say it was one of the best decisions of my life!
Q. What are your success habits?
Success should be a Habit itself! It should be engrained naturally in one’s personality. Now to architect this kind of personality I have followed few habits which I would like to share with readers as it might benefit them to achieve success.
- Be an ardent Early Riser to get the most of 24 hours
- Draft a realistic “To Do” list every day and follow it honestly. Do not copy your friends, peers and colleagues list. Your life story & goals are only yours !
- Work towards your goal every day. Do not over do one day and skip 2 days. It should be constant and consistent.
- Minimize Social Media usage only to essentials to avoid junk thoughts and anxiety.
- Take a well-nourished balanced diet each day. A fit body adorns a sound mind.
- Meditation & Exercise are a must for sound mind body
- Be in positive quality company of peers & friends. Avoid to be in company with people who make you feel negative. Positive vibes infuses positivity in life which is pertinent for success!
- Last but not the least “Make a list of blessings/good things you own in life” once a week. This boosts your mental health and pushes you closer to success.
Q. What mistakes have you made along the way?
“To Err is human.” ‘Mistakes’ are part & parcel of our journey towards our final goal. If one dissects this word it becomes “mis’ & ‘takes. It says do not mis the takes (challenges) in life. In other words, it is important to make mistakes for life long learnings. This is the positive side of the word ‘mistake’. Like all human beings I had my tryst with mistakes in early part of my career. That is not important, what’s important is- I never repeated my mistakes and that should be the essence. Learn from your mistake and move forward with new energy. Do not repeat your mistakes as a ‘thumb rule’ for long term Success!!
Q.What is the best advice you can give?
“Be The Best Version Of Yourself!! “ Almighty has bestowed us human life for a purpose. Do not waste it. In whatever profession you are always try to Excel professionally and Excel as a human being by helping others in whatever small or big way you can.
Best Wishes!!
Thank You!!
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