A traditional herb, Black cohosh, found in rich, shady woods in eastern areas of North America, recently gained popularity in the herbal spectrum of treatment for postmenopausal hot flash and night sweats. The young South Kolkata-based endocrine physician,
Dr Soumik Chatterjee, who has been honoured with the National Excellence Award for his innovative contribution in the healthcare, explained what black cohosh is and how it helps to reduce the post-menopausal symptoms in his recently published article. “Recently, black cohosh has been widely endorsed as a treatment option for postmenopausal hot flash and night sweats,” Dr Soumik says. “The herb has been widely used in Europe for more than 40 years for menstrual discomfort, painful menstruation, and menopausal symptoms. I have tried to highlight all the possible benefits and risk associated with it” Dr Soumik added.

According to Dr Chatterjee, most of the medications that are used or purchased over-the-counter for postmenopausal hot flush have carcinogenic potential and needs to be taken only when prescribed by an experienced physician. “Given the results of most clinical studies, black cohosh may be considered a safe and effective alternative for women who cannot or will not take hormonal replacement therapy for menopause.” However, black cohosh can interact with other medicines, vitamins, and certain foods. It is best advised to your health care provider about possible interactions.
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