Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan and his wife Natasha Dalal have reportedly invested in a lavish property worth ₹44.52 crore in Mumbai’s upscale Juhu area. According to property registration documents accessed by IndexTap, the apartment, located on the seventh floor of an under-construction building, spans a generous 5,112 square feet of carpet area and includes four car parking spaces.
The building, still under construction, is expected to be completed by May 31, 2025, as per the Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA). The couple’s purchase price for the property is said to be over ₹87,000 per square foot, which indicates the luxurious nature of the apartment.
In a report by The Times of India, it was revealed that the registration of the property took place on December 3, with Varun Dhawan paying a hefty ₹2.67 crore in stamp duty. However, the actor’s team has yet to provide an official statement on the matter.
Juhu, where the couple’s new home is situated, is a high-profile area in Mumbai, home to several Bollywood celebrities including Amitabh Bachchan, Akshay Kumar, Shah Rukh Khan, and Aamir Khan, among others. The region, renowned for its proximity to the city’s entertainment hub, has long been a favored neighborhood for the rich and famous.
In addition to this new property, Varun Dhawan also owns an apartment in the exclusive Sagar Darshan building on Carter Road, valued at an estimated ₹60 crore. Before settling into their newly purchased luxury home, the couple had been residing in a house previously owned by actor Hrithik Roshan in Juhu, for which they were paying a rent of ₹8.5 lakh per month. It was reported that the couple moved into this property after the birth of their daughter, Lara.
On the work front, Varun Dhawan was last seen in the action film Baby John and is gearing up for upcoming projects. He will star in No Entry 2, produced by Boney Kapoor, alongside Diljit Dosanjh and Arjun Kapoor. He will also be seen in Border 2, directed by JP Dutta, which will feature Sunny Deol, Diljit Dosanjh, and Ahan Shetty.
Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal’s latest real estate acquisition is yet another testament to their success in the entertainment industry and their growing presence in Mumbai’s luxury property market.
Sources By Agencies