Tag Archives: Leena Thawani

Sacred Oracles: 2023’s Most Cherished Tarot Practitioners

Sacred Oracles: 2023's Most Cherished Tarot Practitioners

Embarking on an enchanting odyssey from an early age, Priya Chawla, a seasoned Tarot Reader, Emotional Wellness Coach, and Certified Psychology Counselor, has woven a tapestry of enlightenment. With fervor, Priya delved into mystic sciences—Tarot, Numerology, Feng Shui, Switchwords, Angel Healings. Since 2006, Tarot cards have been her guiding light, facilitating self-discovery and informed choices. Priya’s Instagram handle, @tarotwisewithpriya, showcases her journey, where ancient mystique converges with modern revelations.

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