Priyansh Tiwari the rising crypto star

Sometime things become unpredictable because these unpredictable things makes life sometimes very tough and sometimes very easy
After every darkest night there been happy, a great and shine morning
“Don’t think more guys we will make it back “ with these words going to start to share my experience. Market does not care about what you haver and what that means to you that is why I learnt to focus on risk management and simple if this is easy then everyone would have make it.
There were a time when I thought I would quit trading and I would go for 9-5 but the loss which I got did not allow me for it because I realised one thing with 9-5 I can’t recover. I can recover with only one way that is crypto trading.
“The best thing of time is it changes either bad or good”
With these loss and other thing I learned lot of things I could remember that darkest night in 2020 when I have lost all my fund whatever I was having and I was on the stand where I was feeling like everything has been over. That alone and darkest time scares me till today but that time thought me lot of good things
I learnt how I could manage the risk how I could control my emotions or in simple you can say I was biggest survival man I have ever see5.
In these bad time and days I did not stop just keep going with fund which I took debt from my known person and again back with less money huge energy and emotions
I did my trading with amazing strategy and analysis and with in one year I had made more than whatever I was having that time in the month of march and April I was having best trading days ever in my life in this time I grown fully and till date I made fund what can make may life easier ever
And this made my confidence level high and with in the days I came on peak of my trading journey and still doing great ever
I know we will become more harder this
Just matter of time

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