In a surprising and heartwarming turn of events, a job applicant shared their unique experience of receiving an Amazon gift card along with a rejection letter from a company called Secret Sushi. The Reddit user, known as malevitch_square, posted the story, which has since gained considerable attention and garnered positive reactions from the online community.
The Reddit post featured images of both the Amazon gift card and the rejection letter sent by the company. The rejection email began by thanking the applicant for applying for the job and expressed admiration for their background and experiences. However, the company regretfully informed the applicant that they had chosen another candidate for the specific role.
What sets this rejection apart from the typical job application experience is the exceptionally positive and considerate tone of the letter’s conclusion. It reads, “In the meantime, I wish you all the best in your job search and any future endeavors. Thank you once more for considering a career with us at Secret Sushi. We truly appreciate the time and effort you invested in getting to know us, and we hope our paths might cross again in the future.”
The Reddit post, which was shared about four days ago, quickly gained traction and has received over 2,000 upvotes and numerous comments. Many Reddit users expressed their admiration for the company’s thoughtful and respectful approach to rejection, noting that it stands out in stark contrast to being ghosted or avoided by potential employers.
One Reddit user commented, “You know what? That’s actually pretty cool. It says to me, ‘sorry, we chose someone else, but we see you and we value you,’ which is better than just being ghosted and avoided.” Another user added, “Makes me think they genuinely struggled to choose an applicant. Lots of decent people out there, not so many decent jobs. Good luck in your search!”
The original poster chimed in, saying, “It was the best rejection I’ve ever gotten and left me with a smile.” Another commenter humorously suggested, “That’s pretty classy. Must have been a hard choice of candidates if they’re giving gifts to the ones they turned down. Good luck in your search! Or at least get some more gift cards lol.”
This heartening story serves as a reminder that sometimes, even in the face of disappointment, a considerate and empathetic gesture can leave a lasting positive impression on job applicants, turning rejection into a more positive experience.
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