Jeevan Kumar Mittal : Letters to the President of India

Jeevan Kumar Mittal

Namaskarm, if any citizen has any problem with the government, system, then for further solution He/She sends 5000 letters to the President for that problem. 5000 members of a group send 5000 letters to the President on a common topic. No citizen can give any information to the government through RTI. Lakhs of rupees are fined on the complainant in PIL. There is only one person in India who has written to the President on more than 5000 topics and that is Jeevan Kumar Mittal.

Jeevan ji filed nominations for the post of President in 2012, 2017 and 2022. Jeevan ji wrote regular online President’s Secretariat from 2012 till today in public interest for administrative reforms with great courage, with objections and suggestions, with practical solutions. This is world record. All the work of Jeevan ji is on Google and on Facebook. You will see everything by putting Letters To President  on Facebook. It is enough to put Jeevan Kumar Mittal on Google, Twitter, YouTube etc. You can share this. Request you to make this work viral.

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