Harsha Sai
When you have a positive action, positive thinking, determination and Motivation in you no one can ever hamper you in your path of success and this is the belief of YouTube and Social Worker Harsha Sai hailing from the city of Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
He until now has done numerous humane and charitable works and have helped poor people to feel the pleasure of things they have just dreamed of. He once opened a 5-star hotel for poor. To help a poor barber financially, he assisted him in numerous ways, leading him becoming a millionaire. He also once opened a free petrol bunk for his subscribers.
First pan India Youtuber
Boy, who is dedication and inspiration and, wants to fly, fly higher and higher to achieve the best possible things,he was born on 8th March 1999 in Visakhapatnam.he finished his B.TECH from GITAM university. Furthermore, he started creating YouTube videos in 2019, and now he has 5 plus channels with Telugu, hindi, Malayalam,Tamil and Kannada. This 23-year-old YouTuber in such a juhttps://youtube.com/c/HarshaSaiFhttps://youtube.com/c/HarshaSaiForYouorYouvenile age is consistently working in the field of YouTube & Social Working.
For his generous and humane social works, people show him immense support, and that can be clearly seen in his YouTube’s subscribers and views. Not only he has a significant number of subscribers, he is also highly admired by all his followers and everyone in his following acknowledge the fact that how generous his works are.

His hobbies include travelling, music, and dancing. He is one of the famous You Tuber, social worker, and social media influencer. He gained enormous popularity through his charity and social work-related videos on YouTube. Furthermore, he is a young passionate content creator who wants to create content that not only entertains but also creates a positive impact on the audience.
Instagram: https://instagram.com/harshasai_?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=