Dr. Anand Tiwari, is Excelling his Journey in the Field of Politics & Social Work.

Dr. Anand Tiwari, is Excelling his Journey in the Field of Politics & Social Work.

Dr. Anand Tiwari, is Excelling his Journey in the Field of Politics & Social Work.

Most of us work hard to improve our own lives, but some take it one step further and strive to improve the lives of others as well. The ulterior motive behind their actions is to improve the quality of life in society. Dr.Anand Tiwari is one such person who has selflessly helped those in need. As well as achieving great heights, he has also inspired and motivated numerous people to live prosperous lives. 

Kindness can make a huge difference in the world. It would be great if you helped someone today. As a result, they will be encouraged to help someone else, and the cycle will continue. Can you imagine what a beautiful place it would be to live? Do you want to live in a world where people are kind, helpful, and polite to each other? Well, that’s what Dr. Anand Tiwari has been working on for the past many days.

Dr. Anand Tiwari is a National President-SSS,Renowned Politician, Social worker, Medico and Designated on higher posts in various Associations, Organizations and NGOs i.e. Medical ,Health, Patriotic, Social, Religious,  Politics, Human rights etc. And his name is included in various Books of World Record. He received many laurels from various organizations.

Working for his fraternity through various organizations as he prepares to graduate from BAMS. He has also been honoured by many organizations with prestigious honours on a global, international and national level. He is very humble, has a high energy level, and is multifaceted. In every field of work, he assists organizations, NGOs, and government agencies. In addition to helping the needy and poor, he is an excellent social activist.

He is an International Member(GHRT), State General Secretary Madhya Pradesh (SSDSS), State General Secretary Madhya Pradesh (VVBEM),Co-Spokesperson (NIMA SF MP),BJP Youth Leader, DP (UHWWA),District President Nashik(HA), District President Nashik (RVEM),District President Nashik(RBYS: World Book Of Records), District General Secretary Bhopal(RBYS), Vidhansabha President Yeola (AIBEM), Member (Human Rights Protection Organization), Member (RPP), Member (ABBM) and  Former President(ABVP).

Dr. Anand Tiwari, is Excelling his Journey in the Field of Politics & Social Work.

It is always wonderful to know and learn about all those people who make sure to put their best foot forward when it comes to doing the better for the people of our country. Some are only talkers, while some others are action-takers and making her mark in the latter category effortlessly is Dr.Anand Tiwari, a man who exudes passion, commitment and determination, in her quest to work for our country and its development

He has been performing his duties in the self-discovery scenario beautifully, and has delivered a great change in society, with the great intention of improving people’s lives.

Today, Dr. Anand Tiwari believes that kindness is what people need most. In order to achieve that, people must always strive to become better versions of themselves and develop empathy in order to understand others better. Having this attitude can take them to places, and not just that, it will also help them become a beacon of light to many others in the world.

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