Award winning south Indian film maker turns into wellness and ayurvedic products manufacturer

Award winning writer and South Indian film maker turned entrepreneur Pramod Narayan’s company INIKA AYURVEDA which manufactures ayurvedic products is now trending on e-commerce platforms like Amazon and Flipkart.

INIKA Ayurveda is a family owned company started by Pramod Narayan along with his brother Jai Prakash Narayan. INIKA Ayurveda’s wellness products are widely available in India and the Middle East.

Pramod Narayan is a Film fare and Times award winning cinema producer and renowned writer. He discovered that the nature is the best healer and ayurveda itself is based on the belief that health and wellness depends on a delicate interconnection between the mind, body and spirit, and has set up this enterprise INIKA Ayurveda, with passion.

He has created premium brands named Kesha Swastya, which is hair growth oil, and Inika Ayurveda Kumkumadi Tailam, which is an age defying ayurvedic night serum, the elixir for ageless skin and miraculous skincare oil that brightens skin and improves natural complexion. Both are unisex products and can be used by men and women.

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